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Save the Date!

Health Literacy for Health Equity Webinar
December 9, 2021, 2 pm CT

Today, 36% of adults—91 million Americans—demonstrate low health literacy.

From poorer health outcomes and soaring care costs to increased risk of hospital readmissions and medical errors, low health literacy represents a significant barrier to our industry's vision for patient-centered care.

Join the AHIMA Foundation on December 9, 2021, at 2pm CT, for a free webinar about our cornerstone initiative—Health Literacy for Health Equity.

This event will feature:

  • Information about our efforts to empower people to access, understand, and use their health information with confidence
  • Results from our latest health literacy and patient engagement surveys and research
  • A preview of upcoming community-based pilot programs
  • How you can support, advocate for, and get involved with the Health Literacy for Health Equity initiative 

Join us today. Together, we can imagine a better healthcare world for everyone.